Monday, February 2, 2009


I have always wanted to run and finish a Marathon. In the fall I started training for this, just building up miles slowly. I was pretty consistent, that is until Thanksgiving hit. That put a damper in my motivation. Then Christmas came around and my running was non-existent by then. So then in January I started back up. Running a couple miles everyday. Now needless to say, I'm a bit behind schedule as most Marathon schedules are around 18 weeks. I've got roughly 14 weeks. So yesterday I went for a run, determined that I would just run until I pretty much couldn't anymore. I actually think that I could have kept running, but walking the next day may have been difficult. So I stopped at somewhere around 6-6.5 miles. Today, my knees are sore, which is an indication (I think) that my leg strength isn't up to par with running that distance. It's also probably an indication that I haven't run that long in I can't remember when. So I'm letting the blogging community know that I'm setting out to run in the Flying Pig on May 3. I'm doing this simply to keep myself accountable with something. Because I know how my mind works, and I don't like disappointing or not doing something that I say that I will do. Encouragement, advice, or any other comments are welcome.

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